Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dick Francis News

Dick Francis is an ex British Jockey, turned famous author. It was suggested in an unauthoried biography by Graham Lord that it was Dick Francis's deceased (in the year 2000) wife Mary who actually wrote his books.

Dick Francis is about to release another book called 'Under Orders' (which is a racing term for the start of a race when they are subject to starter's orders) in Septemeber 2006, his son Felix Francis who is his manager, and was his research assistant on the new book. It will be interesting to see if his style has changed since his last book came out?
If you are a Dick Francis fan you might like to know the truth about his book ‘Come to Grief’, it isn’t nice so if you don’t want to be disappointed don’t click on the link to my website.
Thank you, have a great life. Linda Corby

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Give it a rest or take Dick Francis to court!!!